Monday 16 November 2015

the Mis-take the Mistake

Early years of art school I identified with graphic design and illustration - the mindset of it made sense to me.... once upon a time. BUT I then through my practice, discovered the beauty of the mis-take, the 'mistake'.
Every thing that was not alive in graphic illustration ( illumination) and design, and the motive of this way of think/seeing became just plain inhuman.
As you may know, and as  I tend to believe, our mistakes are our greatest opportunity to learn, grow.....evolve. The mistake became a crucial part of my process. A piece of work that had actual mistakes or conscious mistakes became a part of the greater 'equation'. Skill levels aside, Emotional and Feeling levels overwhelmed my process. We must feel the work we see and make, no matter the level of understanding of works of, and the history of art. This understanding comes from no books.  

Wednesday 11 November 2015

A Forgotten Painting, 20 plus years ago.....

I remember a few things about this painting except actually painting it.
I executed my friends' idea of painting on the outside, what was on the inside.......20 plus years ago now.
As the story was told to me, the basement was renovated recently, but the owners were 'not allowed ' to touch this painting, said their friends.
And so, thankyu friends of my friends...........and there it still stands.... and here are some shots of it.

Monday 19 October 2015

Hello, from today

From through the attack of dark space
 to light.
An evacuation,
to the return 
of a peace full 


photo by C. Jobe

Sunday 7 June 2015

Last Night, Btween Sunset and Starlight

Btween Sunset + Starlight
4 x 6 in.

Drawing Shadows on Cortes

We talked while Laura was gardening. I sat nearby in a chair under a small tree that a mutual, Maura, called a 'butterfly tree'. I drew the shadows that crossed my sketchbook.

Sunday 12 April 2015

RSM my life with MS

just opened up and added a new blog here -  RSM my life with MS - I am going to start writing about my experiences past and future, of my multiple sclerosis.

Sunday 1 March 2015

in the night sky.. . . .of Cortes

started in on a night painting, accompaniment by the frog orchestra in the wetland of Kw'as park below.